Advent Devotional Dec 8
Week Two:
Creating Shalom means Sharing Love
Thursday, December 8, 2022
“The God of Second Chances” – Read 2 Peter 3:1-10
“God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.” (v. 9, MSG)
We fight with an adult child who then doesn’t speak to us for months and months. We make a mistake that causes harm and injury to another, changing the course of their life. We say something intentionally spiteful, knowing it will hurt our spouse’s feelings. Or maybe our hard drive just crashed, and—well, what’s a “backup?”
We can make terrible choices. We know our poor actions impact others. And we desperately wish we had just one more chance to make things right again.
I have good news for you! Last Sunday, we lit the Advent Candle of Love. That simple action declared an astounding truth: God loves us deeply, no matter what we have done or what we have left undone. The Candle of Love reminds us that the Christ for whom we wait a second time is the same one who proclaims the “God of Second Chances” to you and me.
The stories in the Old and New Testaments tell of the God of Second Chances (and sometimes of the God of Third, Fourth, and Fifth Chances!). God helps King David become a man after God’s own heart, even after his adulterous and murderous actions. God uses a big fish to give Noah a second chance so that others can find God’s redemption. Peter fiercely and publicly denies Jesus three times; the resurrected Jesus gives Peter three opportunities to declare his love for him.
No wonder, then, that it is Peter who tells us the reason we are still waiting for Jesus to come again is so that others will have the time to find God’s love. And Jeremiah says it is “because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning!” (Lamentations 3:22-23, NIV)
Because of God’s love, every new day gives us and those around us one more chance to have a do-over in life. One more chance to be transformed by the love of God.
Lord, thank you that you give me so many chances to do the loving thing. Restore and revive me again, that I may rejoice in you. “Show us your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us new life” (Ps. 85:7). Amen.
Local Church Member, the Heartland District
“The God of Second Chances” – Read 2 Peter 3:1-10
“God isn’t late with his promise as some measure lateness. He is restraining himself on account of you, holding back the End because he doesn’t want anyone lost. He’s giving everyone space and time to change.” (v. 9, MSG)
We fight with an adult child who then doesn’t speak to us for months and months. We make a mistake that causes harm and injury to another, changing the course of their life. We say something intentionally spiteful, knowing it will hurt our spouse’s feelings. Or maybe our hard drive just crashed, and—well, what’s a “backup?”
We can make terrible choices. We know our poor actions impact others. And we desperately wish we had just one more chance to make things right again.
I have good news for you! Last Sunday, we lit the Advent Candle of Love. That simple action declared an astounding truth: God loves us deeply, no matter what we have done or what we have left undone. The Candle of Love reminds us that the Christ for whom we wait a second time is the same one who proclaims the “God of Second Chances” to you and me.
The stories in the Old and New Testaments tell of the God of Second Chances (and sometimes of the God of Third, Fourth, and Fifth Chances!). God helps King David become a man after God’s own heart, even after his adulterous and murderous actions. God uses a big fish to give Noah a second chance so that others can find God’s redemption. Peter fiercely and publicly denies Jesus three times; the resurrected Jesus gives Peter three opportunities to declare his love for him.
No wonder, then, that it is Peter who tells us the reason we are still waiting for Jesus to come again is so that others will have the time to find God’s love. And Jeremiah says it is “because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning!” (Lamentations 3:22-23, NIV)
Because of God’s love, every new day gives us and those around us one more chance to have a do-over in life. One more chance to be transformed by the love of God.
Lord, thank you that you give me so many chances to do the loving thing. Restore and revive me again, that I may rejoice in you. “Show us your unfailing love, Lord, and grant us new life” (Ps. 85:7). Amen.
Local Church Member, the Heartland District
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